Pink and Purple Hair
I've had ombré hair for almost a year now, and that was a huge step for me in the fact that I don't usually colour or do anything with my hair, despite wanting to. So since its fairly blonde for the majority, I thought I would spice it up with a bit of colour, this is temporary and lasts anywhere from 3 - 30 washes. I did this all myself and I'm really happy with how it all turned out. If you're interested in knowing what I did. Keep reading.

Here is the dye I used. They're both by the brand 'Fudge' and they're the 'Paint Box' colour dyes.They have a HUGE selection of colours and you can find them, here. The colours I used are Red Corvette and Blueberry Hill. I mixed the red with some conditioner to make it less intense as I didn't have an actual pink colour.
I also have some hair separating clips (these are TONY&GUY) a comb, Gloves and an old t-shirt.
This is my 'Before' picture. There is no product in my hair, this is just how it is naturally. It doesn't matter if you have anything in your hair because step one is to shampoo it. The instructions I'm following are from the back of the tubes of dye.
Step One: Brush and Shampoo.
Shampoo your hair to get out any product and to make sure you have a nice clean canvas to work with, then towel dry. The hair needs to be wet/damp for the dye to develop. I separated my hair into two layers, I clipped the top layer u and out of the way.

Though I seem to have quite a lot of hair, its actually quite thin and fine, so I don't need a lot of dye, I started out by squeezing about the size of a marble into my gloves and then worked that into the selected hair. I made sure to totally saturate the ends with dye and have it slightly uneven as it blended into my natural hair, basically following my ombré, I didn't want just a straight line of colour.

When you have all the hair covered in dye, let down the other layer and keep them slightly separate, I personally didn't mind if the colours 'bled' together a little bit because I like that effect, however if you want clear defined colours, wrap them in plastic wrap and clip out of the way.
Step Three: Processing
Apply the second colour of dye, I triple checked that I had all the blonde I wanted covered. I left just a small amount blonde where so it doesn't look like such a harsh transition. I let both of the dyes touch each other during the processing stage. If you don't want them to touch wrap them in plastic wrap and clip out of the way, or use plastic freezer bags, just slide your hair in, tie up with clear elastic and then clip up. Its a lot cleaner. Plastic can help with the processing. Leave colour on hair for 15 - 30 minutes. Rinse out until water runs clear and then condition your hair as usual.

Step Four: Rinse, dry and style.
I blow dried, brushed then styled my hair, with the NuMe Lustrum. For these curls I used the tapered wand (the one that looks triangular). I was so happy with how the colours came out and how the transition from my natural dark brown hair, to the small amount of honey blonde, into the pink/red and down into the purple.

Here you can see the colours blending into one another and looking vibrant. Because the red was 'watered down' with conditioner, it came out pinky / strawberry blonde which I'm very happy with. The colour may was out quicker thought because it wasn't 100% dye. If you're after a pink colour you should probably by the colour you want unless you don't mind about early fading.

After: End Result styled.
Before After
Final Comparison.
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